The Goldberg
Johann, I want you to have these. They're important.
Is this all of them? This isn't much. Listen, I appreciate
the gift. Not this gift. I mean my
talent. My music. That gift. But this? This is just a handful of notes. I don't
think I can do anything with these.
Trust me. You can. These are the ones.
I'm sure they're some
of the ones. You've heard my work — you hear everything, right? So, you know I
usually use a lot more. What you're giving me here…does it have to be in G major?
I'm just saying it's kind of, you know, ordinary?
These are the ones.
I don't want to be disrespectful, but you're not a musician.
I'm not saying you're not creative. Heavens, no! I mean you're The Creator. I'm a fan. I think my top
three would have to be, in no particular order: Light, Eve, and trout. But
music is different.
Trout? Really? I've always felt like I didn't get the color
quite right. And the size. I should have made them bigger. A lot bigger. Or
else really, really small. Anyway, we're getting off track. You just need to
put these notes together the right way, and everything will fall into place.
For the tune?
For everything. Humanity will have answers to all the big
questions if you can accomplish this task.
Okay. If it's that important to you I'll noodle around for a
while and see what happens, but I'm sure I'm not going to be able to come up
with anything complete.
Don't worry so much about complete. Just make a moment, a spark, a little machine that thumps
along and lets folks feel like there's something.
See that wino across the courtyard?
Sure. That's Timothy. He's a real turd.
He sits there because that west-facing wall at sunset turns
a color that makes him feel like there is something more than his own shitty
life to wake up for. Compose that. I've given you everything you need.
Can I add a few notes?
Okay. No. Got it…I might add a couple, though. Just to kind
of put my own spin on it. That's cool, right?